Evaluating the Frequency Of Repeated X-Rays Exposure As Quality Assurance Element In Radiology Department

Background: X-rays are the first line of investigation in diagnosing the patient’s details and considering the complaints. X-rays should be performed in the first go because considering the dose it may have some effects on the patients health. Sometimes the X-rays are repeated, this study is designed to find out the possible causes of repeating the X-rays.

Aim: To find out the frequency of repeated Radiographic Exposures and types of errors that are responsible for repeated X-Rays exposure with a view of adopting measures that will reduce the rate and number of Radiographic Exposures.

Material and Methods: In this study the study design is Cross sectional study, Study duration is 06 the Months (From January to June 2018) and Sampling Technique is convenient sampling technique.

Results: The study has revealed that about 55 radiographs were wasted due to rejection or repeat of 1560 radiographic examinations in 06 months. The highest rejected examinations are the chest, Pelvis and lumbar spine and abdomen examinations at tertiary care hospital in Peshawar.

A total of 55 patients participate in this study. The overall frequency of Repeated Radiographic exposures was 035%. The incidence of Repeated Radiographic exposures analysis was more common in female than in the male patients 52.7% females and 47.3% males were affected. The most repeated radiographic examinations are under the age of 51-70 years. The highest rejected examinations are 34.5% for the chest, 29.1% for the lumbar spine and the pelvis, 20.0% for the abdomen, and 16.4% for the skull examinations.

Conclusions: The outcome of this study have shown that reject analysis is a useful tool in monitoring and improving diagnostic imaging services and could be used to assess and observe prospectively the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic imaging departments. Imaging departments aimed to reduce rejected examinations, patient radiation dose and increase the imaging quality services. Rejected films are not billable, repeated radiographic x-rays examinations contribute to the additional radiation patient dose and add to expense on the films and personal time.
