Background: Contrast studies are done to provide better visualisation of the anatomy. The amount of contrast depends on the patient’s weight, sometimes the patients goes through different types of side effects because of the quantity and quality of the contrast used. Two types of contrast are used in Ct scan, Iodinated and non-Iodinated. This study is designed to find out the reactions and effects related to contrast media.
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of allergy and associated side effects among patients undergoing Contrast CT Scan in NWGH.
Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in NWGH Peshawar during January to June 2018. Data was collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using version 21.
Results: From the study over a period (6 months) a total number of 135 patients were presented for CT examination with contrast. In 135 patients 85 (63%) patients’ were male and 50% (37%) patients were female who were present at CT department at NWGH Peshawar. Out of 135 patients mild reaction was reported. A patients having no reaction to contrast media is 19(42.7%), arm pain 45(33.3%), itchy throat 35(25.9%). Nausea 29(21.5%), headache 14(10.4%), anxiety 11(8.1 %) sweating 6(4.4%) chills 1(0.7%). Moderate reactions were mild hypoxia 8(5.9%), continuous vomiting 2(1.5 %), abdominal Pain 2(1.5%) and wheezing 1(0.7%).
Conclusion: Adverse reactions to non-iodinated contrast are common, although mild reactions occur, however severe reactions are rare.
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